Posting some more concept for HeRo. On top you will some some color test and on the bottom Bad guy/Baddie designs. Yes I realize the first two color test are similar to Ultraman I was just messin' with colors.
Just some designs I sketched for a action animation I wanna do. There's no story or anything, it's just to practice animation while preparing the Hawaiian short. I'll pick the one I like and clean and color it, enjoy!
Well here is the first post of a project I'm working on. It's a short film for a Hawaiian folk tale I read. Just diggin' down into some of my roots. Aloha!
Man it's been a while. I haven't posted anything in a month and change anyways let's get to it. Here's a picture I did for a story I'm planning on developing revolving around my mascot for my website. This will also mean my website should be getting a make-over in the future. And here is a picture I did for the movie Coraline when I saw it, excellent movie by the way.